Arctic Ocean   - continued  

     ( selected results from the Naval Postgraduate School  model -  PIPS - 9 km grid (1280 x 720) 
     calculated for period  1979 - 2004 )
  •  Some results for eof analysis of sea surface height (daily snapshots data- (Jan 1979 - Dec 2003)) ssh for the selected area in the Arctic Ocean (deep part of the Bering Sea) - see area  for its location:
           - first 10 eof's:    eof-m-nrs    calculated without removing seasonal cycle  (only temporal means  were removed)
          - (Case 1) and first 10 eof's   eof-m-rs,   calculated with removing seasonal cycle from model results as well as 
          temporal means - Case 2  
  •  Some results for eof analysis of sea surface height (mothly mean data - (Jan 1979 - Dec 2003)) ssh for the selected area in the Arctic Ocean (deep part of the Bering Sea) - see area  for its location:
           - first 10 eof's:    eof-t-nrs    calculated without removing seasonal cycle  (only temporal means  were removed)
          - (Case 1) and first 10 eof's   eof-t-rs,   calculated with removing seasonal cycle from model results as well as 
          temporal means - Case 2
  •  Some results for eof analysis of sea surface height  - comparison of results estimated based on daily snapshots data as well as monthly mean data  - (Jan 1979 - Dec 2003) for the selected area in the Arctic Ocean (deep part of the Bering Sea) - see area  for its location:
          - comparison of  first 10 temporal amplitude function  tfun_m_t_rs   calculated  with removing seasonal cycle from model
          results as   well  as  temporal means - Case 2
         - spatial distribution of  differences mode-to-mode for first 10 eof's estimated from daily snapshots and monthly
         mean data  dif-m-t-nrs,   calculated without removing seasonal cycle (only  temporal means were removed)
        - Case 1

        - spatial distribution of  differences mode-to-mode for first 10 eof's estimated from daily snapshots and monthly
        mean data  dif-m-t-rs,   calculated with removing seasonal cycle as well as   temporal means  - Case 2

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