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 International presentations (oral and posters)

Jankowski A. and Kowalik Z. (1978), Wind-driven and river inflow circulation in the homogeneous Baltic Sea. Proc. XI Conf. Baltic Oceanographers, Rostock, 1978, vol. 2, 496-514  
Jankowski A. and Kowalik Z. (1979), Diagnostic model of wind- and density- driven currents in the Baltic Sea. The 67 Statutory Meeting of  ICES, Warszawa, October 1979
Jankowski A. (1982), Estimation of the vertical velocity in the Baltic Sea. Proc. XIII Conf. Baltic Oceanographers, Helsinki, 1982, vol.1, 341-360
Jankowski A. and Catewicz Z. (1982), Certain estimation of the horizontal eddy-viscosity coefficient in the Baltic Sea. Proc. XIII Conf. Baltic Oceanographers, Helsinki, 1982, vol. 1, 361-391
Jankowski A. (1984),  Note on estimation of eddy-mixing coefficient for heat and salt. Proc. XIV Conf. Baltic Oceanographers, Gdynia,  vol. 1, 196-199
Druet C. and  Jankowski A. (1990), Thermohaline structure and fluxes on the south and the east boundaries of the Norwegian Sea, XV General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Copenhagen 23-27 April 1990, Annales Geophysicae, 1990, Special issue, abstract, p. 207
Schlichtholz P. and
Jankowski  A. (1993). Water volume transport and baroclinic eddies in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel in July 1988 and 1989. XVIII General Assembly of European Geophysical Society, Wiesbaden, 3-7 May 1993, Annales Geophysicae, 1993, Supplement II to volume 11, abstract, p. C143.
 Jankowski A. and  Skalka D. (1996), Water circulation variability in the Baltic Sea (3D numerical model), poster, BALTEX-Symposium on Ocean Modelling  and Oceanographic Research as part of the 4th BALTEX Science Steering Group Meeting, Poland, Sopot, 3 - 5 June, 1996
Jankowski A. and  Skalka D.  (1996), Seasonal variability of water movements in the Southern Baltic Sea (3D numerical model), poster, II International Symposium on the Functioning of Coastal Ecosystems in Various Geographic Regions, Poland, Sopot, 5 - 7 September, 1996
Jankowski A. (1998),  Numerical modelling of water circulation in the Baltic Sea by Princeton Ocean Model  - preliminary results.}, poster, Second Study Conference on BALTEX, 25 - 29 May 1998, Juliusruh, Island of Rugen, Germany, extended abstract [in:]  Conference Proceedings (eds. E. Raschke and H.-J. Isemer), International BALTEX Secretariat, Publication No. 11, May 1998, 93 - 94,  Abstract
Jankowski A. (2001), Modelling of water circulation and thermohaline variability in the Southern Baltic by the Princeton Ocean Model. Third Study Conference on BALTEX,  2 - 6 July 2001, Mariehamn, Aland, Finland, extended abstract [in:] Conference Proceedings (ed. J. Meywerk), International BALTEX Secretariat, Publication No. 20, July 2001, 95 - 96,   Abstract
Jankowski A. (2001), A model study of a large fall  in sea water t temperature along the Polish Baltic coast in September 1989, poster, 3rd International Symposium on the Functioning of Coastal Ecosystems in Various Geographic Regions, Poland, Gdynia, 19 - 22 June, 2001, abstract [in:]  Book of abstracts, Institute of Oceanography of UG, 42, Abstract
Jankowski A. (2001),  Variability of coastal waters  hydrodynamics   in the Southern Baltic - numerical modelling,  poster, Baltic Sea Sciences Congress 2001 (Past, Present and Future - A Joint Venture),  November 25-29, Stockholm, Sweden,  abstract [in:] Abstract Volume, 213,  Abstract

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