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Book chapters and monographs

Jankowski A. and  Laska M. (1982), Tides in the Atlantic Ocean. [ in: ] The Atlantic Ocean. (Eds. E. Rule and J. Zalewski), PWN, Warszawa, 415-444 (in Polish)

Jankowski A. (1988), Mathematical modelling of water circulation in the Baltic Sea. Seria "Prace habilitacyjne", Ossolineum, Wrocław, 1-281 (in Polish) Summary in English

Jankowski A.
and   Staśkiewicz A. (1994), Currents, [in:] The Baltic Sea Atlas, red. A. Majewski i Z. Lauer, IMGW, Warszawa, 85-92, pp. 1-224 (in Polish)

Jankowski A.
  (1998), Simulation of water circulation in the Baltic Sea for selected months from April to November. Rozprawy                 i monografie IO PAN,  No. 8, 1 - 165 (in Polish), Summary in English

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