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Peer-reviewed publications (continued):

Jankowski A. (2000), Wind -  induced variability of hydrological parameters in the coastal zone of the Southern Baltic Sea - numerical study. Oceanological Studies, vol. 29(3), 5-34,  Abstract
Herman A. and Jankowski A. (2001), Wind- and density-driven water circulation in the Southern Baltic Sea - a numerical analysis.  TASK Quarterly, vol. 5, No. 1, 29 - 58,  Abstract
Jankowski A. (2002), Application of a sigma-coordinate baroclinic model to the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, 44 (1),  59-80Abstract
Jankowski A., (2002). Variability of coastal water hydrodynamics in the southern Baltic - hindcast modelling of an upwelling event along the Polish coast.  Oceanologia, 44 (4),  395-418,  Abstract
Jankowski A. (2003). Variability in the saline water exchange between the Baltic and the Gulf of Gdansk by the sigma-coordinate model. Oceanologia, 45 (1),  81-105,  Abstract
Jankowski A. and Jędrasik J. (2007), Assimilation experiments in the Gdansk Basin (the southeastern Baltic): How useful are the sea level data from coastal tide gauges for modelling of hydrophysical fields?, Ocean. Hydrob.Stud., Vol. XXXVI, No.4, 105-128,  Abstract
Jędrasik J.,  Cieślikiewicz W., Kowalewski M.,  Bradtke K.,  Jankowski A., (2008), 44 years hindcast of the sea level and circulation in the Baltic Sea, Coastal Engineering, 55 (11), 849-860, Abstract
Petelski T.,   Markuszewski P., Makuch P.,  Jankowski A.,  Rozwadowska A.,, (2014),  Studies of vertical coarse aerosol fluxes in the boundary layer over the Baltic Sea, Oceanologia, 56 (4), 697-710, Abstract

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