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Other presentations

Jankowski A. and Kowalik Z. (1976), Wind-driven circulation in the Baltic Sea. Polish - French Seminar, September 1976, Gdansk
Jankowski A. (1978), Model' tsirkulacji vod Baltiiskogo moria dla letniego sezona  (Model of summer circulation in the Baltic Sea), Rabochie  soveshchanie  ekpertov sotsstran po probleme "Matematicheskoe modelirovanie tsirkulatsi vod Baltiiskogo i Chernogo morei", Moskva,  June 1978
Jankowski A. (1982), Vertical velocity in the homogeneous Baltic Sea. Polish - French Seminar, June 1982, Gdansk
Jankowski A. (1983), Sostoianie modelirovaniia Baltiiskogo moria  (State-of-art in modelling of the Baltic Sea), XIV Zasedanie soveta upolnomochenykh  po probleme "Mirovoi okean",  Sopot, October 1983
Jankowski A. (1986), Rezultaty issledovanii s borta nis "Okeania" v norvezhskoi energoaktivnoi zone (Results of investigations carried out by r/v  "Oceania" in the energoactive zone in the Norwegian Sea), III Koordinatsionnoe soveshchanie  po programme "Razrezy", Rostock, October 1986
Jankowski A. (1989), Some remarks on variability of hydrophysical parameters in sea waters on the base of results of "AREX-87 -88" cruises. Svalbard  ecosystem workshop, May 1989, Gdynia

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