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M.Sc. - students

1987 - in Oceanography, thesis title: Spatial structure of steady - state wind - driven circulation in the Szczecin Bay, (Ilona  Piskorska - student from the Institute of Physical Oceanography of  University of Gdańsk), (in Polish)

1990 - in Oceanography, thesis title: Application of multidimensional approximation of power series for analysis and modelling of  hydrophysical fields in the sea, (Marek Kowalewski - student from the Institute of  Physical Oceanography of University of Gdańsk), (in Polish)

1996 - in Oceanography, thesis title: Richter Paula, Harmonic analysis of tides at the Esperanza Station (Antarctic Peninsula), (Paula Richter - student from the Institute of Physical Oceanography of University of Gdańsk), (in Polish)

1999 - in Oceanography, thesis title: Influence of bottom topography on processes of wind - driven circulation and water exchange in vicinity of the Słupsk Furrow, (Agnieszka Herman - student from the Institute of Physical Oceanography of University of Gdańsk), (in Polish)

Ph. D. - students

1994 - in Geophysics, Institute of  Geophysics of Polish Academy of Sciences,  thesis title: Modified variational method for  reconstruction of  hydrophysical fields in the sea and its application in the Fram Strait, (Paweł Schlichtholz, from the Institute of Oceanology of PAS, Sopot),  (in Polish), Summary

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