SALSA – Structure and functioning of the acid-base system in the Baltic Sea. Polish National Science Centre. 2016- 2019, co-investigator;
SeaIceFun - Benthic fauna functioning in the sea ice zone in the changing Arctic Ocean in spring time. 2016 – 2018, co-investigator;
Clised - Climate Change Impact on Ecosystem Health - Marine Sediment Indicators. Polish-Norwegian Cooperation Grants, 2014-2017, co-investigator;
Domino - assessment of influence of organic compounds on acid-base system in the Baltic Sea. Polish National Science Centre, 2014 - 2018, co-investigator.
Winogradow A., Pempkowiak J., 2018. Characteristics of sedimentary organic matter in coastal and depositional areas in the Baltic Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 204, 66-75.
Szymczycha B., Winogradow A., Kuliński K., Koziorowska K., Pempkowiak J., 2017. Diurnal and seasonal DOC and POC variability in the land locked sea. Oceanologia 59 (3), 379-388.
Siedlewicz G., Białk-Bielińska A., Borecka M., Winogradow A., Pazdro K., Stepnowski P., accepted. Presence, concentrations and risk assessment of selected antibiotic residues in sediments and near-bottom waters collected from the Polish coastal zone in the southern Baltic Sea — Summary of 3 years of studies. Marine Pollution Bulletin.
Szymczak-Żyła M., Krajewska M., Winogradow A., Zaborska A., Breedveld G.D., Kowalewska G., 2017. Tracking trends in eutrophication based on pigments in recent coastal sediments. Oceanologia 59(1), 1-17.
Grzelak K., Głuchowska M., Gregorczyk K., Winogradow A., Węsławski J.M., Nematode biomass and morphometric attributes as biological indicators of local environment conditions in Arctic fjords. Ecological Indicators, 2016, 69, 368-380.
Winogradow A., Pempkowiak J., 2014, Organic carbon burial rates in the Baltic Sea sediments, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 138, 27-36.
Zaborska A., Winogradow A., Pempkowiak J., 2014. Caesium-137 distribution, inventories and accumulation history in the Baltic Sea sediments, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity127, 11-25.
Szymczycha B., Maciejewska A., Winogradow A., Pempkowiak J., 2014. Could the Submarine Groundwater Discharge be a significant carbon source to the southern Baltic Sea? Oceanologia 56(2), 327-347.
Winogradow A., Pempkowiak J., 2014, Organic carbon burial rates in the Baltic Sea sediments, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 138, 27-36.
Zaborska A., Winogradow A., Pempkowiak J., 2014. Caesium-137 distribution, inventories and accumulation history in the Baltic Sea sediments, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity127, 11-25.
Szymczycha B., Maciejewska A., Winogradow A., Pempkowiak J., 2014. Could the Submarine Groundwater Discharge be a significant carbon source to the southern Baltic Sea? Oceanologia 56(2), 327-347.
Szczepańska A., Zaborska A., Maciejewska A., Kuliński K., Pempkowiak J., 2011. "Distribution and origin of organic matter in the Baltic Sea sediments dated with 210Pb and 137Cs", Geochronometria 39(1): 1-9;
Szczepańska A., Zaborska A., Maciejewska A., Kuliński K., Pempkowiak J., 2011. Distribution and origin of organic matter in the Baltic Sea sediments dated with 210Pb and 137Cs”, Geochronometria 39(1): 1-9;
Szczepańska A., Zaborska A., Pempkowiak J., 2009. Sediment Accumulation Rates in the Gotland Deep, Baltic Proper Obtained by 210Pb and 137Cs Methods. Rocznik-Ochrona Środowiska 11, 77-85.
Szczepańska A., Zaborska A., Pempkowiak J., 2009, Sediment Accumulation Rates in the Gotland Deep, Baltic Proper Obtained by 210Pb and 137Cs Methods.
Rocznik-Ochrona Środowiska 11, 77-85.
An award for the best scientific project organized by the Pomeranian Voideship, "Innovative PhD student, IV edition", funded by the Pomeranian Province Marschal Office, 2012.
An award for the best student poster at the 6th Study Conference on BALTEX, "Determination of carbon return flux from the Baltic bottom sediments", Szczepańska A., Kuliński K., Pempkowiak J., 2010.