Prof. Stanisław R. Massel

Prof. Stanisław Ryszard Massel

Born 17th May 1939, Poland
Languages: Polish, English, Russian - fluent command, French, Latin - working knowledge

1962: Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Technical University of Gdańsk, Poland.
1969: PhD in Civil Engineering, Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdańsk, Poland.
1973: DSc. in Civil Engineering, Technical University of Gdańsk, Poland.
1980: Professor in Civil Engineering - merit nomination by the President of Poland.

1976 - 1986:  Head of the Department of the Maritime Hydraulics, Institute of Hydro-engineering, Gdańsk, Poland.

1986 - 1991: Director of the Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdańsk, Poland
1991 - 1994: Principal Research Scientist in the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia.

1994 - 1999: Senior Principal Research Scientist in the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia.
1999 - 2000: Professor at the Institute of Hydroengineering, Gdańsk, Poland.

2000 - 2002:
Professor and Director for Research at the Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland
2003 - 2009: Professor and Director of the Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland


Physical Oceanography (coastal and shelf waters)
Coastal and offshore engineering

Multidisciplinary processes linking marine hydrodynamics and marine ecology

The more specific topics are:

1. Generation, propagation and dissipation processes in the ocean waves,
2. Modelling of surface waves in shallow water zones, vegetated and non-vegetated,

3. Interaction of surface waves with coastal and offshore engineering structures,

4. Sediment transport, beach protection, and water circulation in wave dominated environments,

5. Interaction of water motion with marine ecology (vegetated coasts and sea bottom, tropical and temperate marine environments, groundwater circulation in the coastal zone).

1975 - 1998: Technical University of Gdańsk, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Poland.

1983 - 1991:
University of Gdansk, Dept. of Geography, Biology and Oceanology, Poland.
1987 - 1988: Technical Univ. of Gdańsk, Dept. of Applied Math. and Technical Phys., Poland.

2004 -
University of Gdansk, Dept. of Geography, Biology and Oceanology, Poland.

1970: Institute of Oceanology, Moscow, U.S.S.R.
1974 - 1975:
University of California, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Berkeley, USA
The Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Earth Science, Baltimore, USA and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
1977: Institute of Oceanology, Varna, Bulgaria 1981: Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Germany
1982 - 1983: Norwegian Hydrodynamics Laboratory, Trondheim
1988: Universitaire Scientifique et Medicale de Grenoble, France
1989: Franzius Institut der Universitat Hannover, Germany
1990: University of California, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Berkeley, USA
1991 - 1999: Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, Australia


Needs for oceanographic data to determine loads on coastal and offshore structures. Intern. Conf. on Oceanic Resources, Washington, 1978;

Spectral and statistical characteristics of wind-induced waves. Summer School "Water waves". Intern. Centr. for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, 1985;

Wave climate in coastal zones. Intern. Colloquium "Large-scale Behaviour of Coastal Zones", Amsterdam, 1989;

Wave motion in vegetated and non-vegetated coastal zones. Intern. Conf. "Coastal Dynamics"95, Gdańsk, 1995;

Ocean surface waves: state-of-the-art. and current trends. The 3th AMOS Conference, Hobart, 1996;

Investigations of oceans and seas. 1st Intern. Congress of Seas and Oceans, Szczecin, 2001; Hydrodynamics and ecology of coastal waters in the tropical environment. ECSA Symposium 34, Gdańsk-Sopot, 2002.

Institute of Hydroengineering in Gdańsk, Poland; University of Gdańsk,Technical University of Gdańsk, Poland; University of Szczecin, Poland; Institute of Oceanology in Sopot, Poland; Institute of Geophysics, Warsaw (Poland); Institute of Flow Machinery in Gdańsk; Technische Universitat Braunschweig (Germany); Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweeden); Earth Center of the Bulgarian Academy of , Sofia (Bulgaria); Central Queensland University, Rockhampton (Australia); James Cook University, Townsville (Australia); Monash University, Melbourne (Australia); Institute of Ecology, Warsaw (Poland); Aalborg University (Denmark), University of Utrecht (Holand) and others.

Archiwum Hydrotechniki; Rozprawy Hydrotechniczne; Journal of Fluid Mechanics; Coastal Engineering; Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering Division; Journal of Coastal Research; Marine Geology; Mangroves and Salt Marshes; Oceanologia; Oceanological Hydrobiological Studies and others.



The list includes 10 books and about 150 papers, and many reports, presentations at international workshops and conferences.Below only some recent publications are listed


  1. S.R. Massel, Fluid Mechanics for Marine Ecologists. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999, 565pp.
  2. S.R. Massel, Ocean Surface Waves; their Physics and Prediction. World Scientific Publ., Singapore - New Jersey - London - Hong Kong, 1996, 491pp.
  3. S.R. Massel (co-author and co-editor), Dynamics of Open Channels Flow and Litodynamics of Coastal Zones, (in Russian), Nauka Publishers, Moscow, 1994, 303pp.
  4. S.R. Massel (Editor and co-author), Hydrotechnical Manual. Environmental loading on marine structures. Marine Publ., Gdańsk, 1992, 338pp.
  5. S.R. Massel (co-author), K. Pilarczyk (Editor), Guidelines for Design and Construction of Flexible Revetments Incorporating Geotextiles in Marine Environment. Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses, Report of working Group no. 21, 197pp, Brussels, 1992.
  6. S.R. Massel (co-editor), Dynamical Processes in Coastal Regions. Results of the 'Kamtschiya' International Project. Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, 1990, 190pp.
  7. S.R. Massel, Hydrodynamics of Coastal Zones. Elsevier Science Publ., Amsterdam, 336pp, 1989.
Selected papers in referred journals and referred conference proceedings
  1. S. R. Massel, A. Przyborska, M. Przyborski, Groundwater flow induced by surface waves on a permeable beach, European Conference  of Coastal Zone Research an ELOISE Approach, 15-18 Nov. 2004 Portoroz, Slovenia
  2. S. R. Massel, A.Przyborska, M. Przyborski, Attenuation of wave-induced groundwater pressure in shallow water. Part 1. In "Oceanologia" 46 (3/2004), pp. 383-404
  3. S.R.Massel and E.N. Pelinovsky, Impact of surface waves on the coastal ecosystems. In . A.C. Yalciner, E.N. Pelinovsky, E. Okal and C.E. Synolakis (Eds) Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis. NATO Science Series, Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, Vol. 21:251-258, 2003.
  4. S.R. Massel, Selected problems of the Baltic Sea hydrodynamics. Proc. Summer School- Workshop "Coastal Zone"03, Lubiatowo, 223-236, 2003.
  5. S.R. Massel, Circulation of groundwater due to wave set-up on permeable beach. Proc. Intern. Symposium LITTORAL 2002, Porto, 2: 161-168, 2002.
  6. S.R. Massel, Investigations of seas and oceans. Proc. 1st Inter. Congress of Seas and Oceans, Maritime Univ. of Szczecin, 2: 85-89, 2001.
  7. S.R. Massel, Importance of the ecological factor in marine engineering. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika, 6: 343-347, 2001 (in Polish).
  8. S.R. Massel, Wave-induced set-up and flow over shoals and coral reefs. Part 1. A simplified bottom geometry case. Oceanologia, 43(4): 373-388, 2001.
  9. j. Piórewicz, S.R. Massel, Prediction of ocean waves in shallow water. Keppel Bay, Quensland, recorded data analysis. Proc. of 15th Australasian Coastal Ocean Eng. Conf., Gold Coast, 528-533, 2001.
  10. S.R. Massel, On the relationship between wave breaking and marine aerozol concentration in deep sea areas.rchivesof Hydro-engineering an Environmental Mechanics, 48(2): 31-45, 2001.
  11. S.R. Massel, J. Tęgowski, M. Chomka, M. Wichorowski, J. Dąbrowski, C.T. Stansberg and V. Moe, Experimental study of the formation of steep waves and breakers. Oceanologia, 43(3): 353-363, 2001.
  12. s..R. Massel, Circulation of groundwater due to wave set-up on a permeable beach. Oceanologia, 43(3): 279-290, 2001.
  13. S.R. Massel, E.N. Pelinovsky, Run-up of dispersive and breaking waves on beaches. Oceanologia, 43(1): 61-97, 2001.
  14. S.R. Massel, Wavelet analysis for processing of ocean surface wave records. Ocean Engineering, 28: 957-987, 2001
  15. S.R. Massel, M.R. Gourlay, On the modelling of wave breaking and set-up on coral reefs. Coastal Engineering, 39(1): 1-27, 2000.
  16. S.R. Massel and R.J. Sobey, Distribution of the highest wave in a record. Coastal Engineering Journal, 42: 153-173, 2000.
  17. S.R. Massel, K. Furukawa and R.M. Brinkman, Surface waves propagation in mangrove forests. Fluid Dynamics Research, 24: 219-249, 1999..
  18. S.R. Massel, R. Brinkman, Measurement and modelling of wave propagation and breaking at steep coral reefs. Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology '98, Honolulu, 27-36, 1999.
  19. S.R. Massel, The limiting wave height in wind-induced waves train. Ocean Engineering, 25: 735-752, 1998.
  20. E. Wolanski, K. Furukawa, S.R. Massel, The role of oceanographic modelling in predicting the impact on coral reefs from global change. Jour. Global Envir. Eng., 4, 77-89, 1998.
  21. S.R. Massel, R. Brinkman, On the determination of directional wave spectra for practical applications. Apllied Ocean Research, 20: 357-374, 1998.
  22. S.R. Massel, Prediction of the largest surface wave height in water of constant depth. Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology, '96, Honolulu, 1997, 141-151.
  23. S.R. Massel, I.R. Kapitzke, Infrastructure development in coral reef environments: the need for engineering guidelines. Recent Advances in Marine Science and Technology, '96, Honolulu, 1997, 491-500
  24. S.R. Massel, R.I. Kapitzke and R.A. Wright. On the hydrodynamic design of infrastructures on the Great Barrier Reef. Intern. Conf. Pacific Coasts & Ports 97, Christchurch, 1997, 507-512.
  25. R.M. Brinkman, S.R. Massel, P. Ridd and K. Furukawa, Surface wave attenuation in mangrove forest. Proc. Intern. Conf. Pacific Coasts & Ports 97, Christchurch, 1997, 941-946.
  26. S.R. Massel, On the largest wave height in water of constant depth. Ocean Eng., 23: 553-573, 1996.
  27. S.R. Massel, J. Piorewicz, Observations of bispectra of surface waves in deep and shallow waters. Proc. of the 7th IAHR Intern. Symp. Stochastic Hydraulics '96, Mackay, Balkema, 1996, 259-264.
  28. S.R. Massel, Waves motion in vegetated and unvegetated coastal zones. Proc. Inter. Conf. Coastal Dynamics '95, Gdańsk, ASCE, 1996, 1-12.
  29. E. Wolanski, K. Furukawa, and S. Massel, Oceanographic impact on coral reefs from global change. Proc. of Intern. Workshop on Response of Coral Reefs to Global Changes, Tokyo, 1996, 7-20.