Callopora whiteavesi (Norman, 1903): Kluge, 1962, p. 293, fig. 175; Kluge, 1975, p. 348, fig. 175; Gostilovskaya, 1964, p. 199, fig. 9; Gostilovskaya, 1978, p. 116, fig. 58.
Callopora weslawski: Kuklinski and Taylor 2006, p. 1037, fig. 2.
Type specimen
ZI RAS 20/3101
Kara Sea
Stn 43/77
Det. Kluge
Colld Gorbunov
Gostilovskaya, M.G., 1964. Bryozoa, from expedition of “F.Litke” in 1955 to the North of Franz Josef Land and Spitsbergen. In Research results of high latitude oceanographical expedition to northern part of Greenland Sea and adjusting area of the Arctic basin. Vol. 259 (eds. V.M. Koltuna and L.L. Balakshina), pp. 191 – 228. Moscow: Izdatielstvo “Transport”. (in Russian)
Gostilovskaya, M.G., 1978. Bryozoa of the White Sea. (in Russian). Leningrad: “Nauka”.(in Russian)
Kluge, G.A., 1962. Bryozoans of Northern Seas of USSR. (in Russian) Leningrad: Izdavaemye Zoologicheskim Muzeem Akademii Nauk.
Kluge, G.A., 1975. Bryozoa of the northern seas of the USSR. New Delhi: Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt.
Kuklinski, P., Taylor, P.D. 2006. A new genus and some cryptic species of Arctic and boreal calloporid cheilostome bryozoans. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86: 1035 - 1046.
Levinsen, G.M.R., 1916. Bryozoa. Danmark-Ekspeditionen til Grönlands Nordöstkyst 1906 – 1908. Meddelelser om Grönland, 16, 433-472.
Norman, A.M., 1903. Notes on the natural history of East Finmark. Polyzoa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7 (11), 567–598.