Flustrellaria whiteavesi Norman, 1903
- Synonymy
- Membranipora lineata (Linnaeus, 1767): Smitt, 1868: p. 363, pl. 20, fig. 26.
- Callopora whiteavesi Norman, 1903: p. 589, pl. 13, fig. 9; Nordgaard, 1918: p. 41; Powell & Crowell, 1967: p. 340, fig 2a.
- Flustrellaria whiteavesi (Norman, 1903): Kuklinski and Taylor 2006, p. 1036, fig. 1.
- Type specimen
1911.10.1.551 NHML
off Cape Rozier
Gulf of St.Lawrence
Colled Mr.Whiteaves
25 fathoms
- Distribution
Atlantic part of the Arctic
- References
- Kuklinski, P., Taylor, P.D. 2006. A new genus and some cryptic species of Arctic and boreal calloporid cheilostome bryozoans. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 86: 1035 - 1046.
- Nordgaard, O., 1918. Bryozoa from the Arctic Regions. Tromsø Museums Aarshefter 40 (1917). Nr. 1. Aktietrykkeriet I Trondhejm, 1-99 pp.
- Norman, A.M., 1903. Notes on the natural history of East Finmark. Polyzoa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7 (11), 567–598.
- Powell, N.A. & Crowell, G.C., 1967. Studies on Bryozoa (Polyzoa) of the Bay of Fundy Region. 1. Bryozoa from the intertidal zone of Minas Basin and Bay of Fundy. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 8, 331 – 347.
- Smitt, F.A., 1868. Kritisk Forteckning ofver Skandinaviens Hafs-Bryozoer. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps - Akademiens Forhandlingar, 24, 279-429.