Good ones.
1. Balazy P, Kuklinski P, Włodarska-Kowalczuk M, Gluchowska
M, Barnes D. K.
A. 2016. Factors affecting biodiversity on hermit crab shells; Hydrobiologia
773 (1), 207-224.
2. Bełdowski, J., Klusek, Z., Szubska, M., Turja, R., Bulczak, A.i., Rak, D.,
Brenner, M., Lang, T., Kotwicki,
L., Grzelak, K., Jakacki, J., Fricke, N., Ostin,
A., Olsson, U., Fabisiak, j., Garnaga, G., Nyholm, J., Majewski, P., Broeg,
K., Söderström, M., Vanninen, P., Popiel, S., Nawała, J., Lehtonen, K.,
Berglind, R., Schmidt, B. 2016. Chemical Munitions Search&Assesment-
An evaluation of the dumped munitions problem in the Baltic Sea. Deep-Sea
Research II 128, 85-95
3. Berge J., Paul E. Renaud, Gerald Darnis, Finlo Cottier, Kim Last, Tove M.
Gabrielsen, Geir Johnsen, Lena Seuthe, Jan
Marcin Węsławski , Eva Leu, Mark
Moline, Jasmine Nahrgang, Janne E. Søreide, Øystein Varpe, Ole Jørgen Lønne,
Malin Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen. . In the dark: 2015, A review of ecosystem
processes during the Arctic polar Night. Progress in Oceanography, Volume 139,
December 2015, Pages 258–271
4. Borszcz T, Balazy P (2016) Direct evidence of sea anemone predation on Arctic
echinoids Marine Biodiversity 46 (1), 13-14
5. Buhl-Mortensen L., Galparsoro I., Fernández T.V., Johnson K., D'Anna D.,
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J., Rabaut M., Vanaverbeke
J., Schipper C., van Dalfsen J., Vassilopoulou V., Issaris Y., van Hoof L.,
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Doncheva V. 2016. Maritime ecosystem-based management in practice: Lessons learned
from the application of a generic spatial planning framework in Europe. Marine
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6. Brewster J. D, Giraldo C., Swanson H., Walkusz
W., Loewen T. N., Reist J.
D., Stern G. A., Loseto L. L. 2016 Ecological niche of coastal Beaufort Sea
fishes defined by stable isotopes and fatty acids. Marine Ecology Progress Series
559: 159-173
7. Walkusz W., Paulic J. E., Wong S., Kwasniewski
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D. 2016 Spatial distribution and diet of larval snailfishes (Liparis fabricii,
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58: 117—123
8. Deja K, Węsławski JM, Borszcz T, Włodarska-Kowalczuk
M, Kukliński P, Balazy P, Kwiatkowska P (2016) Recent distribution of Echinodermata species in Spitsbergen
coastal waters. Polish Polar Research 37(4), 511-526
9. Drewnik, A., Węsławski, J.M., Włodarska-Kowalczuk,
M., Łacka M., Prominska,
A., Głuchowska M., Zaborska, A. 2016 From the worm’s point of view. I: Environmental
settings of benthic ecosystems in Arctic fjord (Hornsund, Spitsbergen) 39, 1411–1424
10. Figuerola B., Kuklinski P., Taylor. P.D. 2015. Depth patterns in Antarctic
bryozoan skeletal Mg-calcite: Can they provide an analogue for future environmental
changes? Marine Ecology Progress Series 540: 109-120
11. Grabowska M., Kuklinski P. 2016. Spatial pattern of hydrolittoral rock encrusting
assemblages along the salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea. Hydrobiologia 765:
12. Groeneveld R.A., Bartelings H., Börger T., Bosello T., Buisman B., Delpiazzo
E., Eboli F., Fernandes J.A., Hamon K.G., Hattam C., Loureirog M., Nunes P.A.L.D,
J., Schasfoort F.E., Simons S.L., Walker A.N. 2016. Economic impacts
of marine ecological change: Review and recent contributions of the VECTORS
project on European marine waters. Marine Policy, doi:
13. Gluchowska M, Kwasniewski S, Prominska A, Olszewska
A., Goszczko I, Falk-Petersen
S, Hop H, Weslawski J. M., 2016. Zooplankton in Svalbard fjords on the Atlantic–Arctic
boundary; Polar Biology 39 (10), 1785-1802.
14. Grzelak, K., Gluchowska, M., Gregorczyk, K., Winogradow, A., Weslawski,
J.M. 2016. Nematode biomass and morphometric attributes as biological indicators
of local environmental conditions in Arctic fjords. Ecological Indicators 69,
15. Grzelak, K., Kotwicki, L. 2016. Halomonhystera disjuncta- a young-carrying
nematode first observed for the Baltic Sea in deep basins within chemical munitions
disposal sites. Deep-Sea Research II 128, 131-135
16. Iglikowska, A., Bełdowski, J., Chełchowski, M., Chierici, M., Kędra,
Przytarska, J., Sowa, A., Kukliński, P. (2016) Chemical composition of two mineralogically
contrasting Arctic bivalves’ shells and their relationships to environmental
variables. Marine Pollution Bulletin. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.10071
17. Jakubas D., Wojczulanis-Jakubas K., Boehnke
R., Kidawa D., Błachowiak-Samołyk
K., Stempniewicz L. 2016 Intra-seasonal variation in zooplankton availability,
chick diet and breeding performance of a high Arctic planktivorous seabird.
Polar Biology, 39: 1547-1561
18. Kolicka M., Gwiazdowicz D.J., Hupało K., Jabłońska A., Kotwicki
L., Kornobis
F., Lamentowicz M., Magowski W., Marcisz K., Pronin M., Reczuga K., Olszanowski
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from palm houses and florist wholesalers (Poland). Biologia 71/2, 194-203
19. Kotwicki, L., Grzelak, K, Bełdowski, J. Benthic communities in chemical
munitions dumping site areas within the Baltic deeps with special focus on nematodes.
Deep-Sea Research II 128, 123-130
20. Krzeminska M., Kuklinski P., Najorka J., Iglikowska
A. 2016. Skeletal mineralogy
patterns of Antarctic Bryozoa. The Journal of Geology 124: 441-422
21. Kubiszyn A.M., Wiktor J.M. 2016. The Gymnodinium and Gyrodinium(Dinoflagellata:
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morphological description of unidentified species, [w:] Wiencke, C., Hop, H.
(ed.) Ecosystem Kongsfjorden: new views after more than a decade of research.
Polar Biology 39: 1679–1687.
22. Łącka, M., Zajączkowski, M. 2016. Does the recent pool of benthic foraminiferal
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86, 59-71.
23. Nigro L.M., Angel M.V., Blachowiak-Samolyk
K., Hopcroft R.R., Bucklin A.
2016 Identification, Discrimination, and Discovery of Species of Marine Planktonic
Ostracods Using DNA Barcodes. PLoS ONE, 11(1): e0146327. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146327
24. Ojala A., Arpe L., Luato T., Wacker L., Kurki F., Zajączkowski
M., Pawłowska J., Damrat M., Oksman M. 2016. Sedimentary environment, lithostratigraphy and
dating of sediment sequences from Arctic lakes Revvatnet and Svartvatnet in
Hornsund, Svalbard. Polish Polar Research 37 (1) 23-48.
25. Pawłowska J, Zajączkowski M, Łącka M, Lejzerowicz F, Esling Philippe, Pawłowski
J. 2016. Palaeoceanographic changes in Hornsund Fjord (Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
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12, 1459–1472.
26. Soltwedel., T., Bauerfeind, E., Bergmann, M., Bracher, A., Budaeva, N.,
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I., Włodarska-Kowalczuk, M., Klages, M. 2016. Natural variability or anthropogenically-induced
variation? Insights from 15 years of multidisciplinary observations at the arctic
marine LTER site HAUSGARTEN. Ecological Indicators 65, 89-102
27. Stübner E.I., Søreide J.E., Reigstad M., Marquardt M., Blachowiak-Samolyk
K.2016 Year-round meroplankton dynamics in high-Arctic, Svalbard. Journal of
Plankton Research, Doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv124
28. Szczuciński W., Pawłowska J., Lejzerowicz F., Nishimura Y., Kokociński M.,
Majewski W., Nakamura Y., Pawlowski J. 2016. Ancient DNA reveals past tsunami
deposits. Marine Geology 381:29-33.
29. Szczucka J., Trudnowska E., Hoppe L., Blachowiak-Samolyk
K. 2016 Comparison
of acoustical to optical zooplankton measurements via an acoustic scattering
model: A case study from the Arctic frontal zone. Polish Polar Research, 37:
30. Trudnowska E., Gluchowska M., Beszczynska-Möller A., Blachowiak-Samolyk
K. 2016 Kwasniewski S. Plankton patchiness in the Polar Front region of the
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31. Urbański, J.A., Wochna, A., Bubak, I., Grzybowski, W., Lukawska-Matuszewska,
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33. Wegner C., Bennett K.E., de Vernal A., Forwick M., Fritz M., Heikkilä
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34. Wichorowski M., Błachowiak-Samołyk
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data originating from heterogeneous sources for multidimensional
analyses. Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata, 57,
35. Wiktor J., Tatarek A., Weslawski JM.,
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an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen)? Polar Biol (2016) 39: 2115.
37. Włodarska-Kowalczuk M., Mazurkiewicz
M., Jankowska E., Kotwicki L., Damrat M., Zajączkowski M., 2016, Effects of fluvial discharges on meiobenthic and
macrobenthic variability in the Vistula River prodelta (Baltic
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38. Werner K., Fritz M., Morata N., Keil K., Pavlov A., Peeken I.,
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39. Piwowarczyk J.,
Wróbel B. 2016. Determinants of legitimate governance of marine
Natura 2000 sites in a post-transition European Union country: A
case study of Puck Bay, Poland. Marine Policy 71:310-317
so good.
40. Börger T., Piwowarczyk J. 2016. Assessing non-market benefits of seagrass
restoration in the Gulf of Gdańsk. Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics
3 (1), doi::
41. Domegan C., McHugh P., Devaney M., Duane S., Hogan M., Broome B.J.,
Layton R.A., Joyce J., Mazzonetto M., Piwowarczyk
J. 2016. Systems-thinking
social marketing: conceptual extensions and empirical investigations. Journal
of Marketing Management, doi:
42. C. Lombardi, S. Cocito, S. Bruni, A. Gessi, G. Marghella, P. Montagna,
S. Schiaparelli, P.
Kuklinski. 2016. I briozoi della Baja Di Terra Nova
(Mare di Ross, Antartide) e le implicazioni nelle richerche climatiche.
Publication no RT/2016/34/ENEA. Agenzia Nazionale Per Le Nuove Tecnologie
L’energia E Lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenible. pp 1-39.
43. Piotr Kuklinski.
2016. Bryozoa. Rozdział w Marine Wildlife, King George Island, Antarctica
Identification guide. Edytorzy: Dirk Schories i Gesche Kohlberg.
Dirk Schories Publications, 348 pp. ISBN 978-3-00-050832-5.