Oceanologia No. 13 (1981)
Wojciech Robakiewicz: Prof. Stanisław Hueckel (Obituary)
Krzysztof Korzeniewski: The problem of the threat to the marine environment from heavy metals
Jerzy Fijałkowski: Spectral methods in water analisis
Piotr Szefer, Stanisław Ostrowski: On the occurence of uranium and thorium in the biosphere of natural waters. Part I. Uranium and thorium in plankton and inherent plants
Piotr Szefer, Stanisław Ostrowski: On the cccurence of uranium and thorium in the biosphere of natural waters. Part II. Uranium and thorium in corals, molluscs and fish
Longina Felkier, Anna Brzezińska, Czesław Garbalewski: A method for studying the contribution of heavy metals in marine aerosol depending on the particle size distribution
Mikołaj Protasowicki, Andrzej Chodyniecki: Fish as an indicator of pollution of the Baltic Sea waters with some heavy metals
Lutz Brügmann: The determination of mercury in sea waters and Baltic sediments by cold vapour AAS
Henryk Zbigniew Wrembel: The determination of mercury at ultramicrotrace levels in water using the low-pressure ring discharge
Henryk Zbigniew Wrembel, Zbigniew Frąckowiak, Krzysztof Kido: Determination of trace amounts of mercury in water by graphite-spark spectroscopy
Henryk Zbigniew Wrembel: Exchange of mercury between water and the wall of a vessel and its effect on the results of determinations
Marian Stoń, Henryk Szmaciński, Jan Trojanowski: Assaying the mercury level in water by the luminescence method
Jan Trojanowski, Marian Stoń, Henryk Szmaciński: A study of the complexation reaction of mercury (II) with rhodarnine B from the point of view of its utilization in assaying mercury by the luminescence method
Piotr Szefer: Evaluation of selected polarographic techniques for the determination of uranium in sea and inland waters
Jan Halkiewicz, Janiusz Grzybowski, Elżbieta Sacharczuk: Gas chromat-oraphic determination of Zn, Cu, Ni in bottom sediments in the form of diethyldithiocarbamate complexes