Oceanologia No. 31 (1991)

Andrzej Wróblewski: Sea level and storm surge forecasting in the Southern Baltic

Bogdan Woźniak, Vadim N. Pelevin: Optical classifications of the seas in relation to phytoplankton characteristics

Vadim N. Pelevin, Bogdan Woźniak, Olga J. Koblentz-Mishke: Algorithm for estimating primary production in the sea from satellite sensing

Pawel Schlichtholz: A review of methods for determining absolute velocities of water flow from hydrographic data

Joanna Szczucka: Non-resonant gas bubbles in sound backscattering and attenuation in the sea

Zofia Szponar: The application of IR spectra and TG and DTA curves in testing the sorption of selected trace metals on certain components of bottom sediments

Stanisław J . Pogorzelski: The influence of crude oil spills on the sea surface on ultrasound scattering

Adam Latała: Effects of salinity, temperature and light on the growth and morphology of green planktonic algae

Małgorzata Godlewska, Zygmunt Klusek: Krill distributions and their diurnal changes (Elephant Island, South Orkney Islands, December I988, January 1989)


Maciej Matciak, Adam Krężel: Green light penetration depth in Puck Bay