Oceanologia No. 44 (4) / 02
- Variability of coastal water hydrodynamics in the southern Baltic
- hindcast modelling of an upwelling event along the Polish coast: Andrzej Jankowski
Pigment composition in relation to phytoplankton community structure
and nutrient content in the Baltic Sea: Joanna Stoń, Alicja Kosakowska, Maria Łotocka, Elzbieta Łysiak-Pastuszak
Dependence of the photosynthesis quantum yield in oceans on
environmental factors: Bogdan Woźniak, Jerzy Dera, Dariusz Ficek, Mirosława Ostrowska,
Roman Majchrowski
Adenosine triphosphate in the marine boundary layer in the
southern Baltic Sea: Dorota Pryputniewicz, Lucyna Falkowska, Dorota Burska
Reproductive cycle and the related spatial and temporal distribution
of the ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius L.) in Puck Bay: Ewa Sokołowska, Krzysztof E. Skóra
Spatio-temporal decay `hot spots' of stranded wrack in
a Baltic sandy coastal system. Part I. Comparative study of the pattern: 1 type of wrack vs 3 beach sites:
Marcin F. Jędrzejczak
The contribution of the fine sediment fraction to the Fluffy Layer
Suspended Matter (FLSM):
Janusz Pempkowiak, Jacek Bełdowski, Ksenia Pazdro, Andrzej Staniszewski,
Thomas Leipe, Kay-Christian Emeis
Variability of coastal water hydrodynamics in the southern Baltic
- hindcast modelling of an upwelling event along the Polish coast
Oceanologia 2002, 44(4), 395-418
Andrzej Jankowski
Institute of Oceanology,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
Powstańców Warszawy 55, PL-81-712 Sopot, Poland;
Keywords: Baltic Sea, coastal area, numerical modelling, upwelling
Manuscript received 15 October 2002, reviewed 14 November 2002,
accepted 19 November 2002.
This paper presents the results of an attempt to reproduce, with the
aid of a numerical circulation model, the hydrological conditions observed
in the coastal area of the southern Baltic in September 1989.
A large fall in surface layer seawater temperature was recorded
in September 1989 at two coastal stations in the vicinity of
Kolobrzeg and Wladyslawowo. This upwelling-like phenomenon was assumed to
be related to the specific anemobaric situation in September 1989,
however typical of this phenomenon to occur along the Polish Baltic coast
(Malicki & Mietus 1994). A three-dimensional (3-D) sigma-coordinate
baroclinic model of the Baltic Sea, with a horizontal resolution of
~5 km and 24 sigma-levels in the vertical, was applied to investigate
water circulation and thermohaline variability. Hindcast
numerical simulation showed that the model provided a good reproduction
of the temporal history of the surface seawater temperature and the
duration of the upwelling-like fall, but that the model results were
underestimated. The maxima of this large fall in the surface layer
temperature at both coastal stations are closely related to the phase of
change of the upwelling-favourable wind direction to the opposite one.
The results of simulation runs showed details of upwelling development
due to wind field fluctuations in time and differences in shaping the
temperature and current patterns in conjunction with the variations in
topography and coastline features in some areas along the Polish coast.
Two different hydrodynamic regimes of water movements along the coast
resulting from topographical features (the Słupsk Bank) can be distinguished.
From the model simulation the specific conditions for the occurrence and
development of upwelling at the eastern end of the Polish coast
(in the vicinity of Wladyslawowo) can be deduced.
Pigment composition in relation to phytoplankton community structure
and nutrient content in the Baltic Sea
Oceanologia 2002, 44(4), 419-437
Joanna Stoń, Alicja Kosakowska, Maria Łotocka
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Powstańców Warszawy 55, PL-81-712 Sopot, Poland;
Elzbieta Łysiak-Pastuszak
Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Maritime Branch, al. Waszyngtona 42, PL-81-342, Gdynia, Poland
Keywords: pigments, phytoplankton, HPLC, southern Baltic
Manuscript received 2 October 2002, reviewed 22 November 2002,
accepted 3 December 2002.
The concentration of chlorophylls and carotenoids with respect to
communities of characteristic phytoplankton species and hydrological
parameters, such as temperature, salinity and nutrients were analysed.
Samples from the southern Baltic were taken during three periods:
spring 1999, autumn 1999 and 2000 during cruises of r/v 'Oceania'
in this area. The seasonal differences between the phytoplankton
species composition and pigmentation of samples (measured by HPLC)
were noted. The total biomass of the spring phytoplankton population
was 11-15 times greater than that of the autumn populations. However,
the phytoplankton community was more diverse in the two autumns,
whereas the spring population was almost mono-taxonomic: > 80% of the
total biomass consisted of dinophytes. The total content of chlorophylls
(a, b, c1 + c2) was about 20 times higher in spring. Moreover, in
spring the concentrations of photosynthetic carotenoids (with dominant
perdinin) were 2-4 times higher than those of the photoprotecting
carotenoids (with dominant diadinoxanthin), whereas in the two autumns
the situation was reversed: PPC concentrations (with dominant zeaxanthin
and diadinoxanthin) exceeded those of PSC (with dominant fucoxanthin)
by c. 3-10 times. Pigment markers have proved to be extremely useful
biomarkers for elucidating the composition of phytoplankton populations
in natural samples.
Dependence of the photosynthesis quantum yield in oceans on
environmental factors
Oceanologia 2002, 44(4), 439-459
Bogdan Woźniak1, 2, Jerzy Dera1, Dariusz Ficek2,
Mirosława Ostrowska1, Roman Majchrowski2
Institute of Oceanology,
Polish Academy of Sciences,
Powstańców Warszawy 55, PL-81-712 Sopot, Poland;
Pomeranian Pedagogical University,
Arciszewskiego 22b, PL-76-200 Słupsk, Poland
Keywords: quantum yield of photosynthesis, bio-optical modelling,
primary production, environmental factors
Manuscript received 19 September 2002, reviewed 21 October 2002, accepted 30 October 2002.
Statistical relationships between the quantum yield of photosynthesis
and selected environmental factors in the ocean have been studied.
The underwater irradiance, nutrient content, water temperature and
water trophicity (i.e. the surface concentration of chlorophyll
Ca(0)) have been considered, utilizing a large empirical data base.
On the basis of these relationships, a mathematical model of the
quantum yield was worked out in which the quantum yield Phi is expressed
as a product of the theoretical maximum quantum yield PhiMAX
= 0.125 atom C quanta -1 and six dimensionless factors. Each of these
factors fi appears to be, to a sufficiently good approximation, dependent
on one or two environmental factors and optical depth at most. The model
makes it possible to determine the quantum yield from known values
of these environmental factors. Empirical verification of the model
yielded a positive result - the statistical error of the approximate
values of the quantum yield Phi is 42%.
Adenosine triphosphate in the marine boundary layer in the
southern Baltic Sea
Oceanologia 2002, 44(4), 461-473
Dorota Pryputniewicz, Lucyna Falkowska, Dorota Burska
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Powstańców Warszawy 55, PL-81-712 Sopot, Poland;
Keywords: ATP, microlayer, vertical distribution, spring
Manuscript received 30 July 2002, reviewed 4 October 2002,
accepted 16 October 2002.
Changes in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration were
measured in the offshore and coastal waters of the Gdańsk Basin
in spring. As regards the vertical distribution, it was found that high
ATP concentrations occurred mainly in the euphotic layer (above
the thermocline) and near the bottom (below the halocline).
The high concentrations of ATP in the euphotic layer resulted
from primary and secondary production, while the other maximum was
due to the presence of bacteria actively degrading organic matter.
Changes in ATP concentration in the euphotic layer
were closely correlated with the phase of the day. An increase in
ATP concentrations in the surface microlayer was observed in
the evening and at night, probably as a result of heterotroph proliferation.
During daylight, ATP production was inhibited by increasing radiation,
hence its concentrations in the sea surface microlayer were considerably lower.
Strong winds exerted a significant influence on ATP concentrations in the
surface microlayer and in the subsurface water. Windstress depressed ATP
concentrations. The biomass of living microorganisms
in the microlayer was comparable with the microbiomass beneath the halocline.
Reproductive cycle and the related spatial and temporal distribution
of the ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius L.) in Puck Bay
Oceanologia 2002, 44(4), 475-490
Ewa Sokołowska
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Powstańców Warszawy 55, PL-81-712 Sopot, Poland;
Krzysztof E. Skóra
Marine Station,
Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk, Morska 2, PL-84-150 Hel, Poland;
Keywords: ninespine stickleback, breeding period, spawning, stages of maturity,
Puck Bay
Manuscript received 3 July 2002, reviewed 23 October 2002, accepted 28 October 2002.
The cycle of gonad development and related changes in the
length structure and spatial-temporal distribution of
ninespine sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius L.) in Puck Bay
were studied. Observations were carried out in the shallow
shore zones, as well as in the deeper epipelagic zone of
the Bay. Ninespine sticklebacks reproduce in the brackish
environment of Puck Bay, breeding in its warmer, inshore zones.
Reproduction takes place in the spring and summer months, from
April to July. One female spawns several clutches of eggs during
one breeding season. The average length of ninespine sticklebacks
in Puck Bay was about 40 mm, and the sex ratio in the population was
close to 1:1. However, both length structure and sex ratio were
subject to local and periodic variations, resulting from possible
breeding-related territorial divisions. Higher gonadosomatic
indices in females in early spring represented the transition of
fish to the advanced vitelligenous phase. The lowest GSI of males during
the breeding season indicated the termination of spermatogenesis. The
completion of spawning in August started a new process of gonad restoration
to prepare the fish for the next breeding season.
Spatio-temporal decay 'hot spots' of stranded wrack in
a Baltic sandy coastal system. Part I. Comparative study of
the pattern: 1 type of wrack vs 3 beach sites
Oceanologia 2002, 44(4), 491-512
Marcin F. Jędrzejczak*
Department of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, Jana III Sobieskiego 18/19, PL-80-952 Gdańsk, Poland;
*current address: Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e Genetica 'Leo Pardi',
Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Via Romana 17, I-50125 Firenze, Italia
Keywords: sandy beach, decomposition, Zostera marina,
hot spots, spatio-temporal variations
Manuscript received 1 July 2002, reviewed 4 September 2002, accepted 1 October 2002.
The significance of distance along the beach-dune transect
and different moisture conditions as regards the decay of
Zostera marina leaf litter was investigated in simple field
experiments in three temperate, medium- to fine-quartz-sediment,
sandy beaches of the Gulf of Gdańsk in Poland. 1800 replicate
litterbags of freshly stranded Zostera marina leaves were
placed in beach sediments at different strata and levels on each
of the beaches. The litterbags were sampled after 5, 10, 50, 100
and 150 days in the field and the remaining material was then
dried and weighed. Under similar conditions of sediment composition,
salinity and wave inundation, ANOVA tests revealed significant
differences in breakdown through time and site. Thus there were
some differences in the decay process between the low and high beach.
In the former, degradation proceeded rapidly in the initial stages
and then stabilised, while in the latter it remained linear
throughout the study period. Matter loss in each stratum was also
seasonally dependent. This may, however, be more closely linked
to successional changes in the chemistry and/or microflora of the
beach wrack than to its physical breakdown. Differences between
organic matter degradation in the high and low beaches may be
explained by differences in the moisture regime and nutrient status,
and not by differences in the decay processes themselves. Therefore,
two decay centres were found in the beach-dune system: the low
beach together with the strandline (wrack consumption 12-21% day-1
in the warm season, and 4-10% day-1 in the cold season) and the dune
(active consumption 2-6% day-1 in the warm season only).
The contribution of the fine sediment fraction to the Fluffy Layer
Suspended Matter (FLSM)
Oceanologia 2002, 44(4), 513-527
Janusz Pempkowiak1, Jacek Bełdowski1, Ksenia Pazdro1,
Andrzej Staniszewski1, Thomas Leipe2, Kay-Christian Emeis2
1Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Powstańców Warszawy 55, PL-81-712 Sopot, Poland;
2Baltic Sea Research Institute, Seestrasse 15, 18119 Rostock-Warnemunde, Germany
Keywords: Lead 210, Polonium 210, isotopic disequilibria, Pomeranian Bay, Baltic Sea
Manuscript received 10 October 2002, reviewed 13 November 2002, accepted 18 November 2002.
Fluffy Layer Suspended Matter (FLSM) is a layer of fairly
concentrated suspended matter resting on the sea floor. Its
passage to the depositional basins in the Pomeranian Bay -
Arkona Deep System of the Baltic Sea is estimated to take
around six months. In the course of this migration, the
properties of FLSM change as a result of ageing and the
influx of fresh particles from the water column, and
possibly also because of mass exchange with the uppermost
sediment layers. Measurements of radioisotopes (210Po,
210Pb, 137Cs) have demonstrated that in shallow water this
topmost layer of sediments, from 8 cm to 3 cm in thickness,
is subject to mixing. This creates redox profiles favourable
to biota and bioturbation.
Basing on 210Pb/210Po disequilibria and the 210Po excess,
it was estimated that under steady state conditions from
1.5 to 2.2% of fine fraction (FSF) in the mixed layer of
sediments is freshly imported from FLSM. This implies
replacement of FSF from the sediments and its incorporation
into FLSM. On the assumption that the surface density of
FLSM is 10 mg cm-2, FSF freshly exported from sediments
actually comprises up to 15% of FLSM. Therefore, the
properties of FLSM are strongly influenced by the processes
taking place in the sediments, although FLSM by definition
is independent of sediments.