
  • Baltic Sea Dynamics through 4D Modelling
  • Modelling hydrodynamical and biogeochemical processes in the Baltic Sea - 3D CEMBS the Coupled Ecosystem Model of the Baltic Sea, (
  • Population modelling of Copepoda
  • Functional relationships between the rates of physiological processes of the dominant species of Copepoda and environmental factors
  • Modelling the influence of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters of the Baltic Sea (
  • Modelling the marine environment of the Gulf of Gdańsk for Fisheries (
  • Modelling the structures, dynamics and spatio-temporal variability of physical and biochemical processes occurring in the marine environment of the southern Baltic Sea (


  • Baltic Sea Dynamics through 4D Modelling and Integrated Earth Observation (4DBALTDYN) – (ESA Contract No. 4000143924/24/I-DT )
  • "Digital Information System for Polish Maritime Areas CSI-POM Stage 2" within the framework of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education's program called "Science for Society II"Cyfrowy System Informacji dla polskich obszarów morskich CSI-POM Etap 2 (2024-2026) - MNiSW "Nauka dla Społeczeństwa II"
  • "Digital Information System for Polish Marine Areas CSI-POM" within the framework of the Ministry of Education and Science's program called "Science for Society." CSI-POM
  • Knowledge transfer platform FindFish - Numerical Forecasting System for the Marine Environment of the Gulf of Gdańsk for Fisheries (2017-2023) - Pomorskie Voivodeship Regional Operational Programme for 2014-2020
  • Modeling of the impact of the agricultural holdings and land-use structure on the quality of inland and coastal waters of the Baltic Sea - Integrated information and prediction Web Service WaterPUCK (2017-2020) - NCBiR Biostrateg III WaterPUCK
  • Opracowanie metody doboru konstrukcji wsporczej, morskiej turbiny wiatrowej w polskich obszarach morskich - AQUILO (2012–2015)- I Konkurs Programu Badań Stosowanych – Ścieżka A, projekt nr 904/2012. (Raport AQUILO.pdf; Podsumowanie prac.pdf)
  • Game Growing of the Arctic Marine Ecosystem
  • Weather (mostly wind, pressure and temperature) forecast for the Polish Olympic Sailing Team (London/Weymouth, August 2012)
  • Chemsea Chemical Munitions Search and Assessment
  • SatBałtyk Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea environment
  • Ocena potencjalnych efektów globalnych zmian klimatycznych na rozwój głównych gatunków planktonu morskiego (widłonogów-fitofagów) w Południowym Morzu Bałtyckim – prognoza długoterminowa (3-5 dekad) (2010-2013) founded by Polish Research Council.
  • Numeryczne modelowanie zagrożeń w polskiej strefie przybrzeżnej (2009-2012) founded by Polish Research Council.
  • ZSPDO Integrated Ocean Data and Information Management System
  • Modeling of the POC and DOC concentrations dynamics in the Baltic Sea, model validation and application - founded by Polish Research Council.
  • Cyrkulacja wód gruntowych wywołana falowaniem powierzchniowym w strefie brzegowej morza - founded by Polish Research Council.
  • SBI: Observational and modeling studies of the Arctic Ocean
  • DAMOCLES Developing Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilies for Long-term Environmental Studies
  • ECOOP European COastal sea Operational observing and Forecasting system
  • Regional Arctic Climate Model/ Regional Arctic Climate System Model (RACM/RASM USA)
  • Run-up of waves on beaches and induced infiltration in the beach body
  • COSA Coastal sands as biocatalytical filters
  • Model matematyczny określający sezonową dynamikę fitoplanktonu mezozooplanktonu w Zatoce Gdańskiej - founded by Polish Research Council.
