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The first workpackage will include Management, dissemination and database (IOPAS) and takes care of the project management, reporting, collection of deliverables, organization of administrative meetings, and financial issues. WP1 tasks include also maintaining the project web page, press releases, organization of data storage and access, organization of scientific seminars, conferences and outreach activities. Deliverables include the project reports (both scientific and financial), the dedicated database and project website as well as the public outreach products (e.g. a short TV movie and publication of information about the project and its results in popular science journals).
The second workpackage (IOPAS) will address the Atlantic Water variability in the Fram Strait Branch. The available historical data will be assembled from different sources to analyze the long-term variations of the AW properties and inflow to the Arctic Ocean. Three dedicated summer campaigns with RV Oceania will provide oceanographic data to study changes in spatial distribution of Atlantic Water and transport along the main pathways. Collected data will be used to run the inverse model FEMSECT to obtain better estimates of the volume and heat transport through Fram Strait. The third workpackage (IMR) will address the Atlantic Water variability in the Barents Sea Branch by cover parallel activities as in WP2 but located in the Barents Sea. Available historical data and observations collected with the moored array in the Barents Sea opening and at hydrographic sections will be used to describe variability of AW properties in the Barents Sea and to investigate the role of wind and buoyancy forcing and tidally induced topographic waves in the AW transport. The fourth workpackage (IMR, NERSC) is devoted to analysis of the existing ocean model hindcast runs and to performing the dedicated runs of the high resolution coupled physical-biological model to estimate primary production in the studied region. Preliminary runs of the physical-biological model will be done for periods with good data coverage. The model will be validated against both in-situ data from WP2 and WP3 and satellite-derived chlorophyll and primary production. After validation and possible adjustments to the model based on the comparison with the observations the final model run will be performed. The run will be done in two contrasting years with respect to AW inflow (based on WP2). The fifth workpackage (IOPAS, IMR) will be focused on the synthesis of observations and numerical models results with aim in explaining the casual mechanisms, which control the relative strength of two branches of AW inflow and amount of heat transported into the Arctic Ocean. WP5 will build both on observations provided by WP2 and WP3, available reanalysis data and selected model results from WP4. The sixth workpackage has the widest scope and address links between variability of the Atlantic inflow and changes in the sea ice coverage and Arctic ecosystems. The impact of varying AW inflow along two main pathways on sea ice in the Eurasian Arctic will be studied using data provided by WP2 and WP3, results on forcing mechanisms from WP5 and sea ice data from remote sensing. Plankton samples will be collected during three summer surveys and followed by the laboratory analysis and statistical interpretations of obtained results. The modeled phytoplankton composition and primary production from WP4 will be analysed with respect to the AW inflow, nutrient transport, local meteorological forcing and water-mass composition in the Fram Strait. |