Wyniki - Punkt 7

date description
Date 04.07.2007
Hour 19:40
Point 7
Latitude 54°57,883 N
Longitude 16°80,163 E
Surf water temp 17,5°C
Ground water temp 16,7°C
Salinity of surf water 8,23 PSU
Air temp 16,8°C
Organic matter X
Depth of ground water +5m 38 cm
Sandhoppers (2 lines) X
Macrofauna 10-15m,
3 replicates
Bathyporeia pilosa x 3
Bathyporeia pilosa x 4
Eurydice pulchra x 1
Insect x 1
Bathyporeia pilosa x 4
Meiofauna 10-15m,
3 replicates
Bathyporeia pilosa x 1 (very small)
Bivalvia x 7
Gastrotricha x 13
Harpacticoida x 410
Naupli copepoda x 393
Nematoda x 67
Oligochaeta x 1
Turbellaria x 75
Bivalvia x 3
Gastrotricha x 34
Harpacticoida x 459
Naupli copepoda x 471
Nematoda x 54
Turbellaria x 115
Bathyporeia pilosa x 2
Bivalvia x 6
Gastrotricha x 46
Harpacticoida x 470
Naupli copepoda x 348
Nematoda x 72
Turbellaria x 72
Granulate (method of moments; logarithmic) x = 1,411 (Medium Sand)
σ = 0,762 (Moderately Sorted)
Sk = -1,025 (Very Coarse Skewed)
K = 3,574 (Leptokurtic)
Width of the beach (m) 50 m